To spread understanding of ancient Chinese philosophy and thereby help people better understand the importance of taking personal responsibility for their mental, emotional and physical actions.
To work to create respect between all people - regardless of profession, origin and religion.
To work for people to understand the importance of their own development in order to achieve well-being, and thus also greater opportunity for success.
To create awareness of the importance of preserving, strengthening and caring for one's health, and to consider it as one of our greatest resources.
To work for all people to have the same freedom and opportunity to communicate their opinions.
To inspire people to use the warmest feeling of their heart in the form of cosmic love to make decisions with respect for themselves and others.
To help both weak and strong in society.
To convey knowledge, experience and understanding based on Chinese tradition, medicine and philosophy, and to use both education and therapy in the form of Qigong, Tai chi and Kung fu.
Marcus Bongart
Founder of Yangtorp Sanctuary.